an essential trace nutrient required for building amino acid and nitrogen metabolism

Role in the plant: Molybdenum is a cofactor to enzymes important in building amino acids and is involved in nitrogen metabolism. Molybdenum is part of the nitrate reductase enzyme (needed for the reduction of nitrate) and the nitrogenase enzyme (required for biological nitrogen fixation).
Deficiency symptoms: According to Yara International Mo deficiencies are similar to nitrogen deficiencies. Yellowing of the lower leaves of the plant. Irregularly sized leaves. Interveinal yellowing. In fruit crops, deficiencies can lead to reduced fruit production.
Toxicity symptoms: Not known
Soils that have calcium most prevalent: The only macronutrient that has increased availability to the plant at higher pH`s.
Management remarks: carry out ITEST leaf nutrient analysis to diagnose a deficiency.

