an essential trace element envolved with respiration and photosynthesis

Role in the plant: Copper is important for photosynthesis. Symptoms for copper deficiency include chlorosis. It is involved in many enzyme processes; necessary for proper photosynthesis; involved in the manufacture of lignin (cell walls) and involved in grain production.
Deficiency symptoms: According to Yara International: new leaves turn a pale colour, and wilting happen even though there is sufficient moisture in the soil. Death of new leaves and plant reproductive disorders may happen. Cereal crops may show signs of necrosis and curls from the tip down. In some cases, the leaves may wither prior to unfolding. In legumes copper can be a part of nitrogen fixation and cupping of leaves and wilting will be prevalent.
Toxicity symptoms: not known
Soils that have copper most prevalent: Copper is mostly immobile in the soil and there are known copper nutrient deficiencies throughout Zimbabwe.
Management remarks: Carry out leaf analysis (ITEST leaf) if there is a suspected copper deficiency. Use a soil-applied corrective measure or foliar fertilizer at critical growth stages. Refer to agronomist for more information.