A common pest whose larvae damage fruit and some vegetables

Taxonomy order:  Diptera. Common genus`s in Zimbabwe include Bactrocera, Ceratitis, and Dacus

Description: Fruit fly adults are small, oftern stripped, yellowish or brown flies with red eyes, about 3mm long. Larvae are small, white, legless maggots that can grow up to 5mm long.

Distribution on the plant: Often distributed on the mature fruit of the plant. 

Lifecycle: Rapid reproduction under warm condtions.

Determent to crops:  Fruit flies lay large numbers of eggs on fruit and the larvae feed on the fruit. 

Monitoring remarksUse a Trap All MEGO attract and kill Mcphail trap to determine pest pressure. 

Control general remarks: Use Trap All MEGO traps at 12 traps (1 kit) per hectare. The Pheromones can last over 5 months. Alteratively LAST CALL PFF OR LAST CALL FF,  can be used according to the species of fruitfly identified. Episode 50 SC is a bait and (spinosad)  killing agent that can be used for all types of fruit fly. It prodominantly kills the female fruitfly and can be used to rapidly reduce the fruit fly pressure.