Taxonomy: Fungi. Some common diseases are: Northern Corn Leaf Blight, Grey Leaf Spot, Phaesosphaeria Leaf Spot, Northern Corn Leaf Blight, Northern Corn Leaf Spot, Physoderma brown spot, Common rust, Eyespot and Southern rust.
Description: Often well distributed in a field. Use the Seedco disease and nutrient deficiency brochure for correct identification of the disease.
Lifecycle: overwinter in crop residues and spores form when exposed to moisture and warm weather.
Detriment to crops: Necrosis of leaf tissues which in some cases can lead to yield loss.
Monitoring remarks: Check for early signs on the low leaves of the crop. Monitor more frequently once the crop canopy has closed, and during periods of persistent rainfall.
Action threshold: Take curative action if there is a bad infestation of the disease.
Control general remarks: Crop rotations are essential. Select resistant maize varieties specific to the disease. Spray broad spectrum fungicides if there is a severe disease problem.
Contact a Cropserve agronomist for further information.