A common chewing pest in solanaceous crops

Taxonomy order: Lepidoptera. In Zimbabwe common names include: PTM / Leaf miner / Potatoe Tuber Moth. 

Description: An insect that feeds on Solanaceaeous crops and is especially known for being a major pest of potato crops. The potato tuber moth has a body length of about 10 mm and a wingspan of approximately 12 mm. Adult moths have a narrow, light brown body with grayish-brown wings containing a variety of small dark spots. The moth contains two sets of wings, both have frayed edges. Females are distinguished from males by having a black “X” pattern on their forewings when their wings are closed.

Refer to this link for more details.

Distribution on the plant: Predominantly a leaf miner. 

Determent to crops: The larvae will eat away at the foliage by initially mining into the leaf and then proceed to eat away at the tubers as well, preventing the plant from growing.

Monitoring remarks: Scout the crop for any signs of foliar damage. Use Delta trap with PTM pherolures to indicate pest presence and pressure.

Action threshold: Use Last Call PTM as a preventative measure. Spray with Emamectin Benzoate or Indoxicarb based products at early signs of pest presence in the crop.

Control general remarks: Translminar insecticides are most suited to get effective means of control. 

Contact a Cropserve Agronomist for more information.