A fungal disease that effects a wide range of diseases

Taxonomy: Fungi, division ascomycete

Description: Infected plants display white-powdery spots on the leaves & stems.  As the disease develops, the spots get larger and denser.

Distribution on the plant: Often most visibly seen on the top side of the leaf. The lower leaves are the most affected, however the powdery mildew can appear on any above-ground part of the plant.

Life-cycle: Powdery mildew fungi can only reproduce on their living cell host and reproduce both sexually and asexually.

Detriment to crops: Parasitic by nature, leading to crop yield loss.

Monitoring remarks: Check for early signs on the low leaves of the crop. Monitor more frequently once the crop canopy has closed, and during periods of persistent rainfall.

Action threshold: Preventative fungicides recommended. Take curative action at early signs of the disease.

Control general remarks: Most fungicides are effective against powdery mildew as parts of the fungi are out side of the leaf.

Contact a Cropserve agronomist for further information.